About Us
Asian Pacific Directors Coalition (APDC) is a broad based membership which comprises of leaders from both the public and private sectors.
Since 1982, the APDC has advocated for the well-being of the Asian-Pacific Islander (API) community in the Greater Puget Sound area on a number of issues including equity in hiring and promotion, increasing service to APIs, funding API organizations, addressing racism and cultural insensitivity and much more.
APDC convenes, informs and support API leaders, emerging leaders and allies to influence and advocate for policies, systems and investments for the benefit of the API community and other communities of color.
*Leaders: Not just nonprofit leaders, includes private sector
*Systems: Institutions, funding systems, political systems
The entire API community has equal access to opportunities that result in positive outcomes in their life experiences.
1. Empowered Awareness - APDC seeks to be informed on current and emerging issues that impact the API community and communities of color.
2. Social Justice - Empowered Awareness leads APDC to take action and stand with others to fight for equal access to opportunities.
3. Equity-Inclusion - APIs are diverse. Parts of our community experiences greater marginalization, disparate outcomes and lack of representation. APDC includes and works on behalf of our diverse members.
4. Belonging - APDC members foster collaboration, connections and friendship.